Gwydyr Rd, Crieff, UK, PH7 4BS

If you would like to make this a special day of thanksgiving, please would you be willing to contribute any of the following:
Fruit, vegetables, baking, preserves…. for our Sabbath morning display?
If you have an unwanted small basket to arrange them in, that would be good – or we can supply you with one if necessary.

All these contributions will be auctioned at an evening’s entertainment starting at 7:00pm on that same day; so we are also wanting good quality items for our auction, to add to the harvest produce.
Can you help?
Tiny items accepted too – so that children can bid.
Anything unsold must be taken home again!

The auctioneers:
Steve Logan
Martin Bell,
MC: Andrew Logan

A Good, Fun evening guaranteed!!

The Money raised will help our special charities and bring some welcome blessings to those less fortunate than ourselves.  Thank you in anticipation.  Please bring a friend!