Gwydyr Rd, Crieff, UK, PH7 4BS

The 'Social activities' Category

» Social activities

Charity event, to fundraise for Rachel House Hospice.  Adults £2, Children free (includes tea).  Come and join in the fun for all the family from babies to Senior Citizens, from 3:00-5:00 at the SDA Church Hall, Gwydyr Road, Crieff PH7 4BS

Bible Quiz Night

In aid of the Scottish Bible Society.

Come and join us at the Baptist Church in Crieff for our annual Bible quiz.


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Come along and spend your money on the produce from this mornings harvest festival plus bric-a-brac.  Help us raise money for the CAP programs.

  • 6pm.  Pot luck tea
  • 7pm.  The auction begins…

Please bring good, sale-able items to Moyra…

Cleanup day!

Come along and help make the church gardens beautiful…

You are welcome to attend this concert from a world renowned orchestra.

Voluntary donation for program to assist AIDS orphans in Southern Africa.

The New England Youth Ensemble founded in 1970 by its director Dr. Virginia-Gene Rittenhouse is a group of serious young musicians dedicated to the cause of spreading God’s message of love and hope through the international language of music.

Located on the campus of Columbia Union College in Takoma Park, MD, USA, its members come from many different countries, including Russia, Mexico, Australia, India, South Africa, and the Philippines as well as the United States and Canada.

From its modest beginnings in her living room with four violins and a cello, the Ensemble has developed into a 45-piece youth chamber orchestra that has now toured extensively throughout the United States, Europe, and the former Soviet Union, Australia, South Africa, China, the Far East and the Middle East. Performances have been in such famous cathedrals as the Dom Cathedral, Salzburg; St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Vienna; Washington National Cathedral, Washington D.C; Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris; and the Church of St. Martin-in-the-fields, London. In addition, the Ensemble has performed for the Musical Society of Philadelphia, at the International Youth Music Festival in Vienna, on National television from Crystal Cathedral in Los Angeles, and under management of the Community-Concert Division of Columbia Artists, New York.

In 1988 the Ensemble was first invited to perform at Carnegie Hall under the auspices of Mid-America Productions. Such has been the success of these performances that this season will mark the 100th concert the Ensemble has played in the prestigious hall-many of these under the world-renowned conductor-composer Dr. John Rutter of London

A quick trip up the classic Glencoe hill, Buachaille Etive Mòr.  We didn’t get started until 12:30 but made the summit in under 2 hours (which is quick for us…).  Only got soaked once and thankfully the top was clear so we could see something.

Bob Rodd came with us this time – and this was only his second ever Munro. Not that he’s competitive or anything – but he’d like us to note that he reached the summit first.

More pics on Flickr…

(Scott, Llew, Bob, Steve L and Tiny the Dog.)

Sports Day

Scottish Mission Sports Day, at Strathearn Recreation Centre.  Please bring a £5 donation for the hall hire.  Also you’ll need a packed lunch and lots to drink.  See for details

Sounds of Africa

You are invited to enjoy a musical evening with a guest African choir and supporting local talent
– including St Dominics’ Primary school choir, Elizabeth Boyd, Robin Spearing, Carole & Stephen Peacock, Steve Logan, Nick Beach, Diane Jack, Gordon Bauwens and others.
DATE: Friday 22nd May, 7:30 pm

Free admission – voluntary collection

VENUE: Crieff Adventist Church, Gwydyr Road
A concert in aid of the Scottish Bible Society – sponsored by the Inter-churches Bible Society Action Group

Supporting Macmillan Nurses.

Cafe with refreshments.  Venue Crieff Seventh-day Adventist Church, Gwydyr Road, Crieff PH7 4BS.  Free admission, all donations in aid of the Macmillan nurses.

Cancelled due to the grim weather. Better luck next time…

Christmas does not always live up to its hype ~ often it is the worst time of the year…Why?  Have people forgotten its real meaning ~ Heaven came down? !

Family service with items by the children, and mince pies and hot fruit punch in the hall following the service.  All welcome.

Crieff SDA Church Christmas Programme with a modern approach- presented by the young people for all ages – refreshments provided.

  • Who is it for? ~ Only for people aged 1-100 years old
  • How much is is? ~ A small charge of a smile per person applies
  • Why come? ~ Because it’s short, informative and fun – you should come 🙂 Don’t miss it!

Christmas Tea

You are invited to Christmas Tea in Santa’s Factory at Crieff SDA Church in aid of Rachel House ~ run by the  Junior Sabbath School Department…keep your diary free ~ we are relying on your support for this event.

*     Adults £2 – Children Free – includes tea
*     Sales of Christmas paper, bags, boxes etc.
*     Lucky dip sacks with Santa ~ adults &  children
*     Fund raising for Rachel House Hospice
*     Christmas tea for all ages

(Started from White Corries, scrambled up Sron na Criese, 1st Munro: Creise, 2nd Munro Meall a’ Bhuiridh.  Mike L, Jennie P, Steve L with dogs Mabel and Tiny)

In the four and a half years we’ve been doing these hill walks I think this was the best day yet.  Superb weather and stunning scenery.  A bit steep in places for the scaredy amongst us (ie me) and even Tiny the Dog was a bit distressed.  But a splendid day in the best of the Scottish hills followed by a large plate of veggie curry and chips in the Real Food Cafe in Tyndrum.  Marvellous…

More pics on Flickr…

If you would like to make this a special day of thanksgiving, please would you be willing to contribute any of the following:
Fruit, vegetables, baking, preserves…. for our Sabbath morning display?
If you have an unwanted small basket to arrange them in, that would be good – or we can supply you with one if necessary.

All these contributions will be auctioned at an evening’s entertainment starting at 7:00pm on that same day; so we are also wanting good quality items for our auction, to add to the harvest produce.
Can you help?
Tiny items accepted too – so that children can bid.
Anything unsold must be taken home again!

The auctioneers:
Steve Logan
Martin Bell,
MC: Andrew Logan

A Good, Fun evening guaranteed!!

The Money raised will help our special charities and bring some welcome blessings to those less fortunate than ourselves.  Thank you in anticipation.  Please bring a friend!

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