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Our annual study weekend for 2014 is being taken by Dr Jan Barna of Newbold College. His topic is “Is the Bible a Sure Word of God?  Origins, Canon and Biblical Narrative”.

Click for more details, audio files etc…

Jan BarnaOur annual study weekend for 2014 was taken by Dr Jan Barna.

Dr Barna comes to us from Newbold College where he is a Senior Lecturer in Systematic and Biblical Theology. His topic was:

“Is the Bible a Sure Word of God?  Origins, Canon and Biblical Narrative”.

The timetable for the weekend is given below, with links to audio recordings and copies of Jan’s slide presentations.

Jan Barna is a senior lecturer in systematic and biblical theology in the Department of Theological Studies at Newbold College in the United Kingdom. Jan comes originally from Slovak Republic (former Czechoslovakia) where he worked as a church pastor for several years.

He completed his undergraduate studies in theology in Prague, Czech Republic, received his Master’s degree from Andrews University in Christian leadership and completed a doctorate in 2009 under the supervision of the renowned NT scholar David Wenham at Trinity College Bristol, UK.

In 2013, Jan published his doctorate under the title Ordination of Women in Seventh-day Adventist Theology: A Study in Biblical Interpretations. His book offers the most comprehensive guide to the hotly debated subject available today, addressing not just the theological and biblical aspects, but also the central hermeneutical issues.

Jan is also an ordained minister and an active elder in his local church. He frequently participates as speaker at various events in Europe. Jan is married to Ivana, who works as a medical doctor.

This is Jan’s second visit to Crieff.  He presented our 2007 Study Weekend where his subject was “The History of Adventist Beliefs: A Continuous Search for Identity“.  We welcome him back!

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