Gwydyr Rd, Crieff, UK, PH7 4BS

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We’ve just uploaded four MP3 recordings of our 2012 Study Weekend presentations.

You can find them on the ‘Annual Study Weekend ~ Jim Nix and Cindy Tutsch, “Understanding Ellen White in 21st Century Britain” page.

If you find them interesting please let us know!

Tracing the Footsteps of Jesus

Weekly Tuesday evening programme in Church Hall.

Tracing the Footsteps of Jesus

Weekly Tuesday evening programme in Church Hall.

Tracing the Footsteps of Jesus

Weekly Tuesday evening programme in Church Hall.

Tracing the Footsteps of Jesus

Weekly Tuesday evening programme in Church Hall.

Tracing the Footsteps of Jesus

Weekly Tuesday evening meeting in Church Hall.

Our annual study weekend will be taken this year by Jim Nix and Cindy Tutsch who are visiting us from the Ellen G. White Estate. Their topic will be:

“Understanding Ellen White in 21st Century Britain”

James R. Nix has been director of the Ellen G. White Estate since 2000. He has authored or contributed to several books including Early Advent Singing, Laughter and Tears of the Pioneers, and In the Footprints of the Pioneers.

Dr Cindy Tutsch is an associate director of the Ellen G. White Estate. She has served as conference youth director, pastor, Bible teacher, television host, and coordinator of youth-in-evangelism initiatives, including Magabook ministries. Dr. Tutsch is the author of Ellen White on Leadership, scores of articles published in Adventist periodicals, and is editor of Visionary4Kids, an on-line magazine.

This year we shall be sharing our speakers with other churches in the Scottish Mission.

Crieff events

  • CANCELLED: Thurs 1 Nov at 7:30pm: “The Light Still Shines” with Jim Nix
  • Fri 2 Nov at 7:30pm: “The Songs of Zion” with Jim Nix
  • Sat 3 Nov at 6:30pm: “Ellen White – Who Was She and Why Does She Matter?” with Cindy Tutsch (MP3 recording)
  • Sun 4 Nov at 9:30am: “The Eschatological Relevance of Ellen White in the 21st Century ” with Cindy Tutsch (MP3 recording)
  • Sun 4 Nov at 11am: “Was Ellen White Green? (EGW for the postmodern)” with Cindy Tutsch (MP3 recording)
  • Additional MP3 recording of the “Question and Answer” session following the last seminar.

Dundee events

  • Sat 3 Nov at 10 am: TBA with Cindy Tutsch
  • Sat 3 Nov at 11:15am: “Ellen White on Your Assurance of Salvation” with Cindy Tutsch
  • Sat 3 Nov at 2 pm: “Ellen White – A Special Agent of The Kingdom of Heaven” with Cindy Tutsch

Glasgow events

  • Sat 3 Nov at 11:15am: “The Practical Gift of Prophecy” with Jim Nix
  • Sat 3 Nov at 2 pm: “The Light Still Shines” with Jim Nix


Dr Alden Thompson

“Who’s Afraid of the Old Testament God?”

Alden Thompson is currently professor of biblical studies at Walla Walla University, in the USA.  He has a long connection with Scotland: from 1972 to 1974, he was on college-sponsored doctoral study leave at the University of Edinburgh.

An ordained minister in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Dr Thompson is a graduate of Walla Walla College (BA 1965) and Andrews University (MA 1966; BDiv 1967). Before joining the faculty at WWC, he pastored in Southeastern California (1967-1970). He received his doctorate in Old Testament and Judaic Studies from the University of Edinburgh in 1975. His dissertation, Responsibility for Evil in the Theodicy of IV Ezra was published by Scholars Press in 1977.

He is in frequent demand as a speaker and seminar presenter. His primary interests are the Bible, especially the Old Testament, Ellen White studies, “Inspiration,” and Adventist History. Many of his articles and papers can be accessed at his web site,

Thursday 27 September

  • 7.30 pm “Reading the whole Bible, and not just the parts you like” (MP3 recording)

Friday 28 September

  • 9.00 am “The Avalanche: Why Satan goes into hiding” (MP3 recording)
  • 10.45 am “Strange people need strange laws” (MP3 recording)

Further seminars were held on Sabbath 29 September at Dundee SDA Church.

Please note change of times for services for this week only.

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