Gwydyr Rd, Crieff, UK, PH7 4BS

The 'Study' Category

» Study

Our annual study weekend was taken this year by Pastor Reinder Bruinsma, of the Belgium Luxembourg Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

His subject was “Can Daniel and Revelation be relevant for today?” with a particular emphasis on reaching the postmodern audience, both within Adventism and in secular society.


For those of you who were unable to join us in Crieff we have posted MP3 copies of the talks plus any PowerPoint presentations.

Dr Reinder Bruinsma

“Can Daniel and Revelation be relevant for today?”

The sessions ran as follows:

Friday 28 October 2011

  • 6.30 pm Light refreshments
  • 7.00 pm – 8.30 pm        “Past Truth or Present Truth?”

Sabbath 29 October 2011

  • 10.00 am – 11.00 am    “Do we need more Truth?”
  • 11.15 am – 12.30 pm     “Are you for real?”
  • 4.00 pm – 5.00 pm        “What does it mean to be postmodern part 1?”
  • 5.30 pm – 6.30 pm        “What does it mean to be postmodern part 2?”

Sunday 30 October 2011

  • 10.00 am – 11.00 am    “God’s grand narrative.”
  • 11.15 am – 12.30 pm     “Our message for postmoderns.”

The next Women’s Ministries Retreat will be held at the Atholl Centre, Pitlochry, on the weekend of 14-16 October.  The guest speaker  Mrs Isobel Webster will be speaking on  the theme “The Place of Living in the Christian Life”  Romans 12:1

The cost is £85 per person, in shared accommodation of twin and family rooms.  £10 Subsidy available for Scottish Mission members who are over 60, unwaged, or students.

Please ask your Women’s Ministries Leader for a form, or contact the Scottish Mission Office on  01764 653257.  Please send your application forms with non-returnable deposit of £25 by 26th August.  Post to Carole Peacock, SDA Church Office, Comraich, Gwydyr Road, Crieff, PH7 4BS, Perthshire.  The full amount must be received by 26th September.  Cheques payable to ‘Scottish Mission of SDA’.

The Scottish Mission Day of Fellowship will be held at Wallace High School, Airthrey Road, Stirling FK9 5HW, on  Sabbath 10 September 2011.  The main speaker will be Dr John Webster from La Sierra University , USA and the theme is “Sabbath Festivals – Creation, Salvation, Consummation”.  We also have the new British Union Conference President, Pastor Ian Sweeney, as our special guest.

Come and join us for a day packed full of blessings and thought provoking presentations.  Bring a packed lunch, and enjoy fellowship with others during this special day.

For those unable to attend the Day of Fellowship in Stirling, there will be a service in Crieff Church.

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